Saturday, January 17, 2009

Slab City

OK, now that we've been here for awhile and I have a feel for the place, I will try and describe some of the most interesting aspects of Slab City. Everyone says that the population is way down this year; there used to be around 5000 RV's here at one time. Now there's maybe 500. Apparently everyone now goes to Quartzite where there is a massive flea market with over 250,000 vendors.
There are definitely neighborhoods here, the locals, the snowbirds, the hippies, the single old broads. (Sorry, I apologize, but they were pretty rude to us). So where do we fit? Well, really we don't. We ended up with the snowbirds, who are all at least 10-20 years older than us, but very welcoming and friendly. They love to talk. We've met people who have been coming here for 8, 10, or even 25 years. We went to dinner at the Oasis Club: taco dinner $3 each and also the Travel'n Pals Club: pot roast dinner $7 each. These affairs are BYOB and a plate, they provide the food. You can join the clubs for an annual membership fee and they have lots of activities, movies, libraries, tools to share.

We are bordered on the east by the Chocolate Mountain Gunnery Range, which means that at any time of the night or day, missiles and bombs can go off with no warning at all. Just KABOOM! Quite exciting. The locals say that they don't even notice any more.

One of the things we liked the best is the Gopher Flats Golf Course. It reminds me of the one in MASH--18 holes in gravel and bushes. Brad played a few holes and I just laughed.
The library was established many years ago. People keep bringing more books than they take away, so it keeps growing. It is a cool oasis of shade, clean & organized. I found three books I will definitely read.

Brad and I get up pretty early and have our tea in the refreshing cool morning light. Sometimes I climb up to the roof of the RV to survey the landscape. Then we head out for a walk before it gets too hot. We wander through the streets, into the desert, weaving whichever way we want to go. Then it's time to read or socialize or head into town for supplies. Evenings are very relaxing with an early dinner and watching the stars. Some nights we stay at camp and others we are invited to join other campers at their campfire. It's a relaxing way to spend some time.

We will leave tomorrow, after being here for a week. I have spent the time wondering what it would be like to live like this permanently. Certainly there are some wonderful people making a very happy life for themselves here. But really, we are simply not ready to just come and sit in the sun for months at a time. We are not old enough for this life yet--maybe someday.